Utility Bond

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    Getting a free utility bond quote is a click away
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    Best bonding rates for utility bonds on the market
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    Bad credit bonding options available
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    Only bonds by A-rated and T-listed bonding companies

What Is a Utility Bond?

Both public and private utility companies often require businesses to post a utility bond before allowing them to use their services. Individuals need to obtain a utility bond only in specific cases, such as failure to make timely payments to the utility provider.

The purpose of a utility deposit bond is to protect utility companies from default on payments by users, and to ensure their timely execution.

Utility bonds are a kind of surety bonds, but they fall in the special category of financial guarantee bonds. They are considered to pose a higher risk for sureties since they involve covering due payments.

Just like other bonds, a utility bond is a contractual agreement between three entities:

  • A principal - you or your business
  • An obligee - the utility company that requires the bond
  • A surety - the bond provider


Failure to make the necessary payments to your utility provider can lead to a claim against your bond. In the Questions section below, you can learn more about how claims are handled for utility surety bonds.

Questions about Utility Bonds

Who needs to obtain a utility bond?

The majority of utility companies will ask you to post a utility bond before they start servicing your business. If your company wants to get connected to electricity, water and other services, you will have to obtain such a bond.

Usually utility providers do not require individual homeowners to get bonds, but if you have a track record of late or default payments, you might be asked to post one.

Similarly to other bonds, a utility bond does not protect you or your business. It is a guarantee for your utility company that you will make all due payments for the services they have provided for you.

How much does a utility bond cost?

Before providing service for your home or business, the utility company will determine the surety bond amount that you need to post as a security. The amounts vary between states and utility providers.

Your surety bond cost depends on the amount set by the utility provider, and on your financial status. To get bonded, you don’t need to pay the full sum, but only a percentage of known as the bond premium. Your bonding rate is typically determined on the basis of your personal credit profile. If you have strong credit, the usual premium rate for utility bonds is between 1% and 5%.

If you are asked to post a $20,000 utility bond, you might end up paying between $200 and $1,000 for it.

The top indicator that sureties consider when reviewing your bond application is your personal credit score. Other factors include your business assets and liquidity, financial security, and professional experience. The better these stats look, the lower the bonding rate will be, which means a cheaper surety bond cost.

You can use our surety bond cost guide to get an understanding of how bond premiums are set.

Can I get a utility bond with bad credit?

As utility bonds are financial guarantee bonds, they are considered higher risk ones. The reason for this is that in case the principal defaults, the surety will take direct financial losses.

Many sureties avoid underwriting such bonds because of the increased risk. Here at Lance Surety Bonds, we’re committed to providing you with the utility bonds you need, even if your credit score is far from stellar. That’s why we are running our Bad Credit Program and serving bond applicants with problematic finances or past tax liens, civil judgments or bankruptcies.

The usual bonding rates for bad credit utility bonds start at around 5%, but can go as high as 20% of the bond amount. The higher premium is needed in order to compensate for the riskier bonding. However, it is still a great opportunity to get the utility revenue bond your home or business needs, so you can get electricity, water, and other necessary services running in your buildings.

Lance Surety Bonds works with a number of trusted A-rated, T-listed surety companies, so we are able to get you the best bond price for your particular circumstances.

How do I get my utility bond?

You can launch the process of getting your utility revenue bond today. Just apply online for your free, no-obligations quote. When you complete your application and send over all necessary documents, we’ll get back to you with your bond price in no time.

Usually utility companies require you to use their specific bond forms, so you’ll need to use the form of their preference. In case they don’t have a standard one, we can provide you with a utility bond form, but you will need to ensure that it is approved by your utility provider.

Call us today at (877) 514-5146 to discuss your bond application or get your questions answered by our bonding experts. You can also contact us via email if your prefer.

You can find plenty of useful information at our How to Get Bonded page as well.

How do I renew my utility bond?

In most cases, utility bonds are continuous. This signifies that you or your business must have the bond active at all times, in order to keep using the services of your utility provider. Failing to do so may lead to your utilities being shut off.

With Lance Surety Bonds, you don’t have to worry about missing your bond renewal deadline. We will notify you a few months in advance, so you will have plenty of time to react and renew your utility bond. The first notification will be followed by mail, fax, and email, in order to make sure you don’t forget to renew your bond.

Every time you renew your utility bond, you can decrease your surety bond cost by improving your financial stats, and showcasing the strength of your business.

How are bond claims handled for utility bonds?

Unlike insurance, surety bonds do not protect you or your business. Here’s why that’s important.

The goal of utility bonds is to guarantee that you will not financially harm your utility provider, by defaulting or delaying due payments. If you fail to cover all your bills in time, the utility company can make a claim on your bond.

Proven claims entail repayment to the utility provider up to the penal sum of the bond, which is initially done by the surety. As the bond principal, you are then expected to fully reimburse any claims.

Avoiding claims is the wisest course of action for both homeowners and businesses. They can cause serious financial harm, and prevent you from getting bonded in the future.

START YOUR APPLICATION It's FREE. No Obligations. Approval in Minutes.

Find Your Surety Bond

We offer all types of surety bonds in all 50 states. If you can't find your bond in the table below, select "General business license or permit bond (not listed otherwise)" and start your application.
Alabama Indemnity Bond for Electric Service and/or Steam H ALABAMA POWER Apply Now
Alabama Indemnity Bond for Gas Service Alabama Gas Corporation Apply Now
Alabama Huntsville Utilities Bond Huntsville Utilities Apply Now
Alabama Florence Utilities Deposit Bond Florence Utilities, City of Florence AL Apply Now
Alabama Payment of Utility Bills Bond (Decatur Utilities) Decatur Utilities Apply Now
Arizona APS Electric Service Bond Arizona Public Service Apply Now
Arizona Salt River Project Utility Deposit Salt River Project - Commercial Credit Dept. Apply Now
Arizona Utility Deposit Tucson Electric Apply Now
Arizona Bond for Utility Users Corporation Commission Apply Now
Arizona Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Utility Deposit Bo SULPHUR SPRINGS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC Apply Now
Arizona Payment of Utility Services Bond City of Mesa: Attention Credit Services Apply Now
Arkansas Paragould Light Water and Cable Utility Bond PLWC Apply Now
Arkansas Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Electric Service Bond Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Apply Now
California Public Utilities Commission Public Utilities Commission Apply Now
California Edison Company Southern California Edison Company Apply Now
California Southern California Gas Company Bond Southern California Gas Company Apply Now
California SDGE Utility Deposit Bond SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC Apply Now
California Sacramento Municipal Utility District Bond Sacramento Municipal Utility District Apply Now
California Modesto Irrigation District Utility Deposit Bond Modesto Irrigation District Apply Now
California SCEC Utility Deposit Bond Southern California Edison Company Apply Now
California Southwest Gas Corporation Utility Bond Southwest Gas Corporation Apply Now
California City of Los Angeles Utility Bond Department of Water and Power Apply Now
California Electric Service Provider Bond California Public Utilities Commission Apply Now
California Telephone Corporation Bond (CPUC) Public Utilities Commission of California Apply Now
Colorado La Plata Electric Association Utility Payment Bond La Plata Electric Association Apply Now
Connecticut CT Light & Power Surety Connecticut Light & Power Apply Now
Florida Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative Apply Now
Florida Electric and/or Water Service Bond Jacksonville Electric Authority Apply Now
Florida OUC Utility Deposit Bond Orlando Utilities Commission Apply Now
Florida Utility Deposit Bond Florida Power Light Company Apply Now
Florida Utility Deposit Guaranty Bond Lakeland Electric Apply Now
Florida Hillsborough County Water and/or Wastewater Servic Hillsborough County, FL Apply Now
Florida GRU Utility Bond Gainesville Regional Utilities Apply Now
Florida Gulf Power Company Utility Deposit Bond Gulf Power Company Apply Now
Florida Progress Energy Utility Deposit Bond Progress Energy Florida - Credit Dept ? BAY 71 Apply Now
Florida Utility Payment Bond Florida Public Utilities Apply Now
Florida Orlando Utility Commission Bond City of St. Cloud,OUC Apply Now
Florida TECO Electric Utility Bond Tampa Electric Company Apply Now
Florida Emerald Coast Utilities Authority Indemnifying Bon Emerald Coast Utilities Authority Apply Now
Florida TECO Gas Bond TECO Peoples Gas Apply Now
Florida Utility Services Furnished by Beaches Energy Bond Beaches Energy Services Apply Now
Florida Orange County Utilities Services Bond ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES SERVICES Apply Now
Florida Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bond Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. Apply Now
Florida Duke Energy Utility Deposit Bond Duke Energy Florida, Inc. Apply Now
Florida Kissimmee Utility Authority Utility Deposit Bond KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY Apply Now
Florida City of Tallahassee Utility Deposit Bond City of Tallahassee Apply Now
Florida City of Winter Park Utility Deposit Bond City of Winter Park Apply Now
Florida In Lieu of Deposit Bond Utility Commission for New Utility Commission for New Smyrna Beach Apply Now
Georgia Georgia Utility Deposit Snapping Shoals Apply Now
Georgia Georgia Power Company, McDonough, GA Georgia Power Company Apply Now
Georgia Financial Guarantee Walton EMC Apply Now
Georgia Utility Service Guaranty GreyStone Power Corporation Apply Now
Georgia Gas Utility Deposit The City of Madison Apply Now
Georgia Snapping Shoals Utility Payment Bond Snapping Shoals Apply Now
Georgia Jackson Electric Membership Corporation Electric S Jackson EMC Apply Now
Georgia Marietta BLW Service Agreement Bond Marietta Board of Lights and Water Apply Now
Iowa Alliant Energy Utiltiy Bond Alliant Energy Apply Now
Kansas The Empire District Company The Emipre District Company Apply Now
Kansas Westar Energy Electric Utility Service Bond Westar Energy, Inc. Apply Now
Kentucky City of Henderson Utility Payment Bond City of Henderson Utility Commission Apply Now
Local Government North Little Rock Electric Utility North Little Rock Electric Apply Now
Local Government Payment of Utility Services City of Mesa, AZ Apply Now
Local Government Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Indemnity Bond Fort Pierce Utility Authorities Apply Now
Local Government Utility Deposit Bond Kansas City Board of Public Utilities Apply Now
Local Government Utility Deposit Bond City of Fort Worth Water Department Apply Now
Louisiana Utility Payment Bond Claireborne Electric Apply Now
Louisiana In Lieu of Cash Deposit Bond SWEPCO Apply Now
Louisiana Electric and or Gas Service Bond (Entergy Gulf Sta Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, LLC Apply Now
Louisiana Utility Payment Bond (CLECO) Cleco Louisiana Apply Now
Maine Retail Store Bond (Central Maine Power Company) Central Maine Power Company Apply Now
Maryland Baltimore Gas & Electric Utility Bond Baltimore Gas & Electric Apply Now
Massachusetts Utility Deposit Bond NSTAR Electric Company Apply Now
Michigan Bond Guaranteeing Payment of Utility Bills Consumers Energy Apply Now
Minnesota Anoka Municipal Utility Bond anoka municipal utility (AMU) Apply Now
Mississippi Natural Gas Service Bond Willmut Gas Co. Apply Now
Mississippi Electric Service Bond Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association Apply Now
Mississippi Electric Service Bond Central Electric Power Association Apply Now
Mississippi Utility Deposit Bond (4-County Electric Power Asso 4 County Electric Power Association Apply Now
Mississippi Electric Service Indemnity Bond (Coast Electric Po Coast Electric Power Association Apply Now
Missouri The Empire District Company Empire Electric Apply Now
Missouri Utility Guarantee White River Valley Electric Cooperative Apply Now
Missouri City of Columbia, Utility Customers Bond City of Columbia Finance Dept Apply Now
Missouri Electrical Service Bond KCP&L Apply Now
Nevada Utility Deposit Bond Las Vegas Valley Water District Apply Now
New Jersey Energy Consultant Bond New Jersey Treasurer Apply Now
New Jersey Utility Deposit Bond New Jersey Board Of Public Utilities- Audit/License Apply Now
New Mexico Utility Deposit Bond Public Service Company of New Mexico Apply Now
New York Utility Deposit Bond NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORP dba NATIONAL GRID Apply Now
New York Long Island Lighting Company Utility Deposit Bond Long Island Power Authority Apply Now
New York (PSEGLI) Utility Payment Bond Public Service Enterprise Group Long Island (PSEGL Apply Now
North Carolina Duke Energy Duke Energy Apply Now
North Carolina Utility Deposit Bond Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Apply Now
North Carolina Utility Guarantee Bond Kinston Public Services Apply Now
North Carolina Union Power Cooperative Bond Union Power Cooperative Apply Now
North Carolina Utility Deposit Bond Dominion North Carolina Power Apply Now
North Carolina Utility Deposit Bond Duke Energy Florida, Inc Apply Now
North Carolina In Lieu of Deposit Bond City of New Bern Apply Now
North Carolina (Duke Energy) Electric Service Bond Duke Energy Progress Apply Now
Ohio AEP In Lieu of Cash Deposit Bond American Electric Power Apply Now
Oklahoma Utility Service City of Edmond Apply Now
Oklahoma OG & E Utility Deposit Bond OG & E Electric Services Apply Now
Other United Illuminating Co. United Illuminating Co. Apply Now
Other Entergy Mississippi Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Apply Now
Other Reading, PA UGI Utilities Apply Now
Other Entergy Louisiana Entergy Louisiana, LLC Apply Now
Other Utility Service Guaranty Knoxville Utilities Board Apply Now
Other Indemnity Bond for Electric Service and/or Steam H Alabama Power Company Apply Now
Other Indemnity Bond For Electric Service MISSISSIPPI POWER COMPANY Apply Now
Other Utility Service Payment Bond Tucson Electric Power Company Apply Now
Other Utility Service Guaranty, Greystone Power Corporat GreyStone Power Corporation Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Surety Duke Energy Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Arizona Public Service Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Connecticut Natural Gas Corp Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement Apply Now
Other Utility Guarantee City of Statesville Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Volunteer Energy Cooperative Apply Now
Other Empire District Electric Utility Empire Electric Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Coffman Oil Company Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit EPB Electric Power Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Progress Energy Florida Apply Now
Other Utility Bond South Carolina Electric & Gas Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Duke Energy Attn: Deposit Desk Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit License Potomac Edison - Credit Dept Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Progress Energy Carolinas Apply Now
Other Southwest Gas Corporation Utility Deposit Bond Southwest Gas Corporation Apply Now
Other Florida Power & Light Company- Utility Bond Florida Power and Light Company Apply Now
Other Southern Pine Electric Power Association: Bond For Southern Pine Electric Power Association Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Hawaiian Electric Company Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Southwest Gas Corporation Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Paducah Power Systems Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Sevier County Electric System, TN Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond CenterPoint Energy, Inc. Apply Now
Other Wholesale Agreement Bond Carter Energy Apply Now
Other Utility Payment (Surety) Bond National Grid Credit & Collections Dept. Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Pickwick Electric Cooperative Apply Now
Other Utility Deposit Bond Jackson Electric Membership Corporation Apply Now
Other Utility Services Bond ATMOS ENERGY Apply Now
Other Entergy Arkansas Utility Deposit Bond Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Apply Now
Pennsylvania Utility Deposit Bond (PECO Energy) PECO Energy Apply Now
South Carolina Commissioners of Public Works Greenwood, S.C. CPW Apply Now
South Carolina Utility Deposit SCE & G Apply Now
South Carolina Utility Deposit Bond SCE&G Apply Now
South Carolina Santee Cooper Deposit Bond Santee Cooper Apply Now
Tennessee Utility Deposit Bond Clarksville Department of Electricity Apply Now
Tennessee Electric Service Indemnity Bond (Electric Board of Electric Board of Chattanooga Apply Now
Tennessee Murfreesboro Electric Utility Deposit Bond Murfreesboro Electric Department Apply Now
Tennessee City of Cookeville Electric Dept. Utility Bond Cookeville Electric Dept. Apply Now
Tennessee Memphis Light, Gas & Water Div Indemnity Bond for Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division Apply Now
Tennessee Electric Service Furnished Bond (Davidson County, Nashville Electric Service Apply Now
Tennessee Utility Bond (Metro Water Services) Metro Water Services Apply Now
Texas Utility Deposit Bond City of Houston Apply Now
Texas Guaranty Bond City of Dallas Water Department Apply Now
Texas Atmos Energy Utility Deposit Bond Atmos Energy Corporation Apply Now
Texas Texas-New Mexico Power Company Utility Bond Texas New Mexico Power Company Apply Now
Texas Centerpoint Energy Utility Bond CenterPoint Energy Apply Now
Texas Utility Payment Bond (Chillicothe Municipal) City of Chillicothe-Chillicothe Municipal Utilitie Apply Now
Utah Utility Deposit Bond (In Lieu of Audit) Rocky Mountain Power Apply Now
Virginia Electric Services Bond Dominion Virginia Power Apply Now
Virginia Electric Services Bond Dominion North Carolina Power Apply Now
Virginia Dept. of Public Utilities, City of Richmond Utilit Richmond Public Utilities Apply Now
West Virginia In Lieu of Cash Deposit Bond (AEP) American Electric Power Apply Now
Wisconsin UTILITY GUARANTEE WE Energies Apply Now

About Us

Lance Surety Bonds
Lance Surety Bond Associates, Inc. is a Pennsylvania-based surety bond agency that offers bonding at competitive rates in all 50 states. Established in 2010, our company has grown to become one of the top online bond producers in the country. Working exclusively with A-rated and T-listed bonding companies gives us the confidence to offer a 100% money-back guarantee. read more

What Our Clients Have To Say?

Kimberlee Ables

Quick response times and turn around for issuing bonds. Great customer service and very knowledgeable. We have used Lance Surety multiple times and have never been disappointed. Highly recommend them and Collette!

Andrew Poincot

Long story short, these guys cut through the B.S. and get the job done. Responsiveness, excellent! Communication, excellent! Respect for their industry partners, excellent! John, Collette, Ryan, you're all-stars! Thank you!

Margie Martinez

We decided for Lance Surety Bond's quote for 2 reasons; Price and Customer Service. Our Representative Ryan was just SUPERB!! [...] I highly recommend Lance Surety Bond for all your Bonding needs! I'll definitely come back for all of mine. :-) Thanks Ryan!

Kimberlee Ables

Quick response times and turn around for issuing bonds. Great customer service and very knowledgeable. We have used Lance Surety multiple times and have never been disappointed. Highly recommend them and Collette!

Andrew Poincot

Long story short, these guys cut through the B.S. and get the job done. Responsiveness, excellent! Communication, excellent! Respect for their industry partners, excellent! John, Collette, Ryan, you're all-stars! Thank you!

Margie Martinez

We decided for Lance Surety Bond's quote for 2 reasons; Price and Customer Service. Our Representative Ryan was just SUPERB!! [...] I highly recommend Lance Surety Bond for all your Bonding needs! I'll definitely come back for all of mine. :-) Thanks Ryan!